What is Esoteric Energy?
Everything that one sees in this universe possess some form of energy, whether good or bad. Now, esoteric healing is basically finding a way to transform the energy from its various imbalances and restore the balance which will further help in healing. The balanced energy which we then find is available to us to be used or absorbed into. As we know that energy is something that can neither be created nor destroyed and can only be passed from one form to another. While the stored energy is termed as potential energy, the moving energy is called kinetic energy. Reiki or any other Crystal Healing Energy use the potential into kinetic energy and further use that to heal things at a faster pace. Emotional imbalance, stress and anxiety issues are better taken care of with the energy.
How does it work?
The lines of force governing electrons produce atoms which are accumulated in an energy field. This energy field then serves as a thought form. The energy pattern created in the energy field gradually comes down, overcoming several dimensions and only appear in visible form in the third dimension or what is more commonly referred to as the physical plane. All the particles, seen or unseen in energy is always in a constant motion and never static in form. Thus, our well-being and contentment has a flow of energy to do with it and this energy is chained by our own very thought process. For instance, our conscious mind can make us think if we are diseased or healthy in a certain situation. To a great extent it can modify what we think and what we do not. Hence, the energy that we are talking about in here can easily be directed by nothing but ourselves first, our won rational mind and consciousness which can have a say in it.
How to bring change in emotions or thoughts?
There are a lot of negative energies constantly in work along with the positives ones in our series of thoughts. Each trying to overpower the another and establish its dominance. If the negative energies chain you down, there would be a massive dis-balance in the human, animal and plant kingdom as well. To save yourself from this disaster, you need to lift up your consciousness through esoteric healing or energy healing and thus lead a happy and healthy lifestyle.